Check in! This will be my last blog post before we go - all of the details I have are located in one of these four posts, so please save the blog for info. Times to check in are at 4pm on Saturday. I am told it gets busy during the peak summer months. I need Sue, Sharon, Brett, Lara and David to meet at 3pm at the ranch for check in. To get into the homes 122 and 129 a credit card is needed for damages and I want to be sure we have the right people assigned to the homes. And I need David, Brett and Lara in case there are any complications with kids check in, so I want us there together. A few important notes that are impacting check in: We cannot check into South Meadow 101 until Sunday. If you have been displaced for night 1, I have already communicated to you where you are staying for that first night. Older kids will likely be camping; if it gets too cold to do that, hopefully they can stay at the Pace house. Anyone over the age of 7 who is not listed a...
Showing posts from July, 2022